Law Review at Vermont Law School
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Vermont Law Review

Subscription Order Form

Vermont Law Review is published quarterly each academic year: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. If you wish to order a yearly subscription of the Vermont Law Review, fill out the order form below. There is an online payment option that will appear once you've submitted the order form; we currently accept AMEX, Mastercard, Visa, and echecks.

Credit card convenience fees are as follows:
  • The service fee for domestic card payments will be 2.85%
  • The service fee for international card payments will be 4.25%
  • The minimum service fee for card transactions over $20 and less than $106 will be $3.

  • If you have questions about the online payment form, contact Emily Parker at
  • If you have questions about Vermont Law Review, contact the staff at
  • For international subscriptions, please contact

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    Volume 47, Books 1-4 (2023)

    Payment Amount: $