[ + ]Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Sea (ACOPS)
Title | Advisory Committee on the Protection of the Sea (ACOPS) |
Description | ACOPS promotes strategies for sustainable global development of the coastal and marine environment through advisory and public awareness activities supported by scientific research and analysis of law and policy. The “Making of Ocean Law and Policy” and “Focus Areas” tabs provide reports and information from ACOPS Working Group activities. The site also contains publications, reports, and essays on ocean issues. Although this site appears not to be up to date, useful information can be found. |
URL | http://www.acops.org.uk/ |
[ + ]Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Title | Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) |
Description | CIEL uses the power of law to protect the environment through legal research, advocacy, education, and training, focusing on connecting global challenges with the experiences of individual communities. The website is divided into sections including: issues, the CIEL press room, research and publications, and CIEL’s blog. |
URL | http://www.ciel.org |
[ + ]Climate Action Network (CAN)
Title | Climate Action Network (CAN) |
Description | CAN is a global network of over 1,000 non-governmental organizations from more than 130 countries working to promote government and individual action and limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels. Ongoing work by CAN is available under the tab labeled “Our Work,” divided into different projects such as climate impacts; undermining the fossil fuel industry; transforming national action plans; building power and movements; multilateral action and advocacy; and CAN working groups. The website offers publications and other media under “Resources,” as well as CAN updates and press releases under “Updates.” |
URL | http://www.climatenetwork.org/ |
[ + ]Conservation International
Title | Conservation International |
Description | Conservation International is an organization consisting of experts building on a foundation of science, partnerships, and field work to foster effective governance and promote sustainable production practices. This site includes press releases; videos; news; a blog; and related sources in topics like climate, food, forests, fresh water, global stability, livelihoods, and oceans. |
URL | http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx |
[ + ]Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW)
Title | Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW) |
Description | The mission of ELAW – an alliance of attorneys, scientists and other advocates – is to help grassroots environmental lawyers protect the environment and communities in their home countries. ELAW provides legal and scientific tools and assists by strengthening organizations; hosting visiting fellows; outreach; and encouraging public participation. Navigate to the “Resources” tab to find climate litigation strategies; coal litigation strategies; the EIA law matrix; ELAW Digest; ELAW U.S. publications; legal and scientific resources; plastic law resources; and a mangrove science database. |
URL | http://www.elaw.org/ |
[ + ]European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
Title | European Environmental Bureau (EEB) |
Description | The EEB is the largest federation of environmental citizens’ organizations in Europe, consisting of over 170 member organizations from more than 35 countries working for environmental justice, sustainable development, and participatory democracy. Focus areas include nature, agriculture, and water; climate and energy; sustainability and governance; industry and health; global and regional policies; and resource efficiency. The website features information about the EEB, along with links to events, EEB news, and a library of publications. |
URL | http://www.eeb.org/ |
[ + ]Eurosite
Title | Eurosite |
Description | Eurosite is an association of individuals, governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations focused on sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources. The website features a Eurosite network with links to members and partners; a management toolkit with information on key issues, common project components, monitoring information, and existing guidance; and a section focused on international policy. Stay updated on recent developments by navigating to “News” and “Events,” or checking the Eurosite annual reports under the “About Us” section. |
URL | http://www.eurosite.org |
[ + ]Friends of the Earth, Europe
Title | Friends of the Earth, Europe |
Description | This organization is a grassroots environmental network in Europe, consisting of more than 30 national organizations with thousands of local groups, that promotes environmental sustainability, social justice, and participatory democracy. The organization’s focus areas include climate and energy, corporate accountability, finance, food and agriculture, and resource use. The site consists of reports, publications, and news relating to the above topics. |
URL | http://www.foeeurope.org/ |
[ + ]Friends of the Earth, International
Title | Friends of the Earth, International |
Description | Friends of the Earth International is the world’s largest grassroots environmental organization, promoting environmental sustainability and social justice. The organization has five “Member Groups” — Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America — that unite 73 nations and over 5,000 local activist groups. Subject areas include climate justice and energy; forests and biodiversity; human rights and the environment; food sovereignty; and mining, oil, and gas. The website features news, reports (searchable by subject area), videos, and “Real World” radio. Browse the contents in English, French, or Spanish. |
URL | http://www.foei.org/ |
[ + ]Future Earth
Title | Future Earth |
Description | Future Earth is a network of scientists, researchers, and innovators who work together to accelerate transformations to global sustainability through research and innovation. The organization works to further Global Research Projects that explore interactions among humans and the planet’s land, air, water and biodiversity. Future Earth releases the Anthropocene Magazine, the first publication to focus specifically on the Anthropocene, a new epoch in the geologic history of the planet named for humanity’s influence on the globe. This website also includes sections for related news, events, publications, networks, and initiatives. |
URL | https://futureearth.org/ |
[ + ]Global Oceans Forum
Title | Global Oceans Forum |
Description | The Global Oceans Form consists of non-governmental organizations and experts from governments, intergovernmental, and international organizations. The Forum promotes good governance of oceans, healthy marine ecosystems, and sustainable development. Focus areas include integrated ocean and coastal management, climate and ocean issues, marine biodiversity, areas beyond national jurisdiction, blue economy, small island developing states, and capacity development. The site features past conference and workshop proceedings, reports, articles, guides, newsletters, blogs, and news. |
URL | http://globaloceanforum.com/ |
[ + ]Global Water Partnership
Title | Global Water Partnership |
Description | The Global Water Partnership is a network that consists of over 3,000 organizations involved in water resource management from 179 countries. GWP works towards a water secure world through promoting governance and management of water resources. This site provides background papers (in various languages), policy briefs, technical briefs, news articles, annual reports, strategy documents, and links to other relevant pages. The links for affiliate countries and programs are divided by region and can be found at the bottom of the home page. |
URL | http://www.gwp.org/ |
[ + ]Greenpeace International
Title | Greenpeace International |
Description | Greenpeace International is a global organization using direct action to expose global environmental problems and confront systems that threaten our environment. Focus areas include climate change, forests, oceans, food, toxic pollution, and nuclear. News and publications are available in each focus area. Additionally, the user may access multimedia and blogs. |
URL | https://www.greenpeace.org/international/ |
[ + ]Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Title | Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) |
Description | IEEP is an independent research organization concerned with developing and advancing an environmentally sustainable Europe through policy and research. Provides links to relevant sources involving agriculture and land management; climate change and energy; environmental economics; industrial pollution; water and fisheries; resource use and chemicals; biodiversity and ecosystems; global issues; and environmental governance. Available resources include news, policy papers, reports, guides, studies, and newsletters. |
URL | http://www.ieep.eu/ |
[ + ]International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
Title | International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives |
Description | The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives is an association of over 2,500 local and regional governments in more than 125 countries dedicated to sustainable development through promoting local action. ICLEI creates strategic alliances with international organizations, national governments, academic and financial institutions, civil society, and the private sector to support sustainable development in urban areas. The site offers publications, webinars, and information about ICLEI’s activities. |
URL | http://www.iclei.org |
[ + ]International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Title | International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) |
Description | ICOMOS is a global non-governmental organization that promotes the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Their work considers factors like climate change, sustainable development, human rights issues, and natural heritage. ICOMOS also reviews the nominations of cultural world heritage of humanity and ensures the conservation status of properties. The site includes relevant newsletters, charters, reports, and articles. |
URL | http://www.icomos.org/en/ |
[ + ]International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC)
Title | International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) |
Description | IELRC is an independent, non-profit research organization contributing to the establishment and implementation of legal and institutional frameworks. The organization works to foster sustainable conservation and use of the environment and natural resources in an equitable international context. Subject areas include biosafety, biodiversity, climate change, intellectual property, justice and human rights, and water and sanitation. The website provides access to working papers, books, articles, policy papers, guides, newsletters, and media under each research category. |
URL | http://www.ielrc.org |
[ + ]International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH)
Title | International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) |
Description | IFEH works to spread knowledge concerning environmental health and promote co-operation between countries where environmental health issues are transboundary. The Federation focuses on facilitating the exchange of publication and scientific knowledge between experts in the environmental health sector through holding various Congresses, meetings, and events. The website provides publications, annual reports, newsletters, and access to Environment & Health International – the IFEH biannual magazine. |
URL | http://www.ifeh.org |
[ + ]International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
Title | International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) |
Description | IFAW is an organization working to rescue individual animals, safeguard animal populations, and preserve habitats worldwide. Ongoing projects include habitat conservation, wildlife crime and trafficking prevention, pet rescue, preserving endangered species, public education, and political advocacy. The website contains a variety of helpful tools like blogs, news, an image library, videos, reports, articles, newsletters, fact sheets, policy briefings, best practices, other publications, and career opportunities. Navigate to “Our Work” to view an interactive map with projects organized by region. |
URL | http://www.ifaw.org |
[ + ]International Indian Treaty Council (IITC)
Title | International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) |
Description | IITC is an organization that supports Indigenous Peoples’ struggles through information dissemination, coalition building, advocacy, training, and technical assistance. The website features information on specific program areas, like defending human rights; food sovereignty; treaties and standard setting; and environmental health. Users can also find news and updates, as well as available trainings and upcoming events. |
URL | http://www.treatycouncil.org/ |
[ + ]International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE)
Title | International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) |
Description | INECE is a network of enforcement practitioners focused on achieving universal compliance with environmental laws and regulations by raising awareness, developing networks for enforcement cooperation, and strengthening the capacity to implement and enforce requirements. Focus areas include capacity building, good governance, climate and air, seaports, biodiversity, and chemicals. The website links to relevant news, ongoing programs, newsletters, guides, books, articles, reports, and databases. |
URL | http://www.inece.org |
[ + ]International Ocean Institute (IOI)
Title | International Ocean Institute (IOI) |
Description | The International Ocean Institute (IOI) is an independent, non-governmental non-profit promoting the sustainable use of the ocean through training knowledgeable future leaders in Ocean Governance. The organization fosters international cooperation and collaborative projects, promoting the exchange of knowledge worldwide through publications and events. The website includes relevant news, annual reports, articles, conference archives, and the World Ocean Review Series featured within the “Publications” tab. |
URL | http://www.ioinst.org |
[ + ]International Rivers
Title | International Rivers |
Description | International Rivers is a network committed to protecting rivers and the rights of local river communities. View information on specific issues like human rights, elevating grassroots power, corporate accountability, freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity, and climate justice. The website also provides relevant guides, videos, news, articles, and reports. |
URL | http://www.internationalrivers.org/ |
[ + ]International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)
Title | International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) |
Description | ISEE is an organization advancing understanding of ecological, social, and economic systems and applying this understanding to nature and people. The organization promotes unified action in the field of ecological economics through publishing research journals, books, and other materials; holding scientific meetings; developing educational materials; and in public forums. The website provides a list of upcoming conferences, the ISEE research journal “Ecological Economics,” news, books, articles, and reports. |
URL | http://www.isecoeco.org/ |
[ + ]International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Title | International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) |
Description | IUCN is a global network of nearly 1,400 government and non-governmental organization members and more than 18,000 volunteer experts from over 160 countries working toward pragmatic solutions for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development issues. Focus areas include business and biodiversity; climate change; ecosystem management; environmental law; forests; gender; global policy; governance and rights; marine and polar; nature-based solutions; protected areas; science and economics; species; water; and world heritage. The website links to World Conservation Magazine, Conservation Databases, multimedia, news, articles, reports, guides, UN documents, blogs, videos, newsletters, and links to other resources. |
URL | http://www.iucn.org |
[ + ]International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
Title | International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) |
Description | IUSSP is a network of demographers promoting the scientific study of population and population issues. One of the current panels, Population Environment Research Network (“PERN”), focuses on research of population and the environment. The website includes databases, journals, news, reports, articles, and links to population-related websites, networks, databases, journals, and newsletters. The website is available in English and French. |
URL | http://www.iussp.org |
[ + ]International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO)
Title | International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) |
Description | IUFRO is a network of forest scientists promoting global cooperation in forest-related research and the understanding of the ecological, economic, and social aspects of forests and trees. IUFRO has task forces in various specializations, including forest education; global tree mortality; forest and water interaction; gender equality in forestry; resilient planted forests; and forest landscapes for future climates. The website provides the user with databases, news, newsletters, webinars, reports, articles, guides, and websites. |
URL | http://www.iufro.org |
[ + ]International Water Law Project
Title | International Water Law Project |
Description | The International Water Law Project is an internet resource that covers international water law and policy. IWLP aims to educate by providing relevant resources to the public and to facilitate cooperation regarding the world’s freshwater resources. This website links to international agreements, region-specific documents, publications, UN documents, cases, useful website links, organizations, articles, reports, newsletters, and a searchable bibliography. Find upcoming events, selected water case law, and a list of transboundary water management organizations. |
URL | http://www.internationalwaterlaw.org |
[ + ]Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
Title | Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC) |
Description | REC is an international organization addressing environmental issues and promoting stakeholder cooperation for central and eastern Europe. Areas of expertise include civil society empowerment and stakeholder engagement; climate change and clean energy solutions; education for sustainable development; environment and health; environmental law, policy, and instruments; natural resources; smart cities and sustainable mobility; and water resources management. Navigate to “Projects” for a list of REC projects, searchable by keyword. Additionally, the website provides relevant news, articles, reports, guides, videos, newsletters, and books. |
URL | http://www.rec.org |
[ + ]World Resources Institute (WRI)
Title | World Resources Institute (WRI) |
Description | WRI is a policy research organization focusing on the intersection of the environment, economic development, and human well-being. 1,400 experts and other staff work in seven programs: food, forests, water, energy, cities, climate, and the ocean. Find recently published research, reports, delivery platforms for global initiatives, news and events, and a resource library. |
URL | http://www.wri.org |
[ + ]World Water Council
Title | World Water Council |
Description | The World Water Council (WWC) is an international organization whose mission is to promote awareness, foster political commitment and trigger action on critical water issues at all levels. WWC aims to facilitate the efficient conservation, protection, development, planning, management, and use of water in an environmentally sustainable way. WWC hosts the World Water Forum every three years, where the water community and decision makers collaborate and address global water challenges. Resources include news, press releases, independent reports, member guidelines, articles, reports, guidance documents, and website links. The website is available in English or French. |
URL | http://www.worldwatercouncil.org/index.php?id=1 |
[ + ]World Wildlife Fund (World Wild Fund for Nature) (WWF)
Title | World Wildlife Fund (World Wild Fund for Nature) (WWF) |
Description | WWF is an international foundation working to stop the degradation of the natural environment by conserving biodiversity and reducing the negative impacts of human activity. Under the “About Us—Who We are” tab, users will find focus areas including climate, food, forests, freshwater, oceans, and wildlife. The website provides information on the species they work to conserve, lists of experts, data, publications, and recent news. |
URL | https://www.worldwildlife.org/ |