Click to download certificate [PDF]
Agenda [PDF]
Presenters and Conference Organizers [PDF]
The Hijacked Brain [PPTX]
Standards Volume i and ii Vermont 2015 [PPTX]
MAT and Treatment Court [PPTX]
Factoids [PPTX]
DUI-Drug Dockets Best Practices
MAT - Medication Assisted Treatment
Ethics Panel and Closing Remarks
Following up on the very successful Innovative Criminal Justice Practices Conference from 2013 at Vermont Law School, this event is entitled: DUI and other Drug Treatment Dockets - Best Practices and Beyond. The event is free and lunch will be provided. Included among our presenters will be Terrence Walton, the Chief of Standards for the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. Registration is limited to the first 150 people who sign up. We anticipate attendance by judges, criminal justice practitioners, lawmakers, treatment providers, and community leaders. CLE credits will be available. In the afternoon we will recognize the first recipient of the Vermont Treatment Court Award. This conference is co-sponsored by: the Vermont Court Administrator's Office, the Department of State's Attorneys, the Office of the Defender General, the Governor's Highway Safety Program, and the Vermont Law School and its Criminal Law Society. Funding for this conference is made available by the Vermont Governor's Highway Safety Program and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.